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Aria Camille Empowerment (ACE) Program Scholarship Application

The Aria Camille Empowerment (ACE) Scholarship Program Guidelines

Purpose: The Aria Camille Empowerment (ACE) Program was established to support individuals, like the late Aria Lott, in pursuing the fullness of life. The program offers $1,000 grants or scholarships to high-functioning business owners or trade, high school, and college students with disabilities from low-to-moderate income households. This personalized, holistic workforce development program provides wraparound services, including the grant or scholarship, mentorship, food donations, transportation assistance, health and wellness plans, financial literacy education, and more.

Mission of The Soul of Santa “Do Good” Foundation: To connect high-functioning individuals with disabilities, as well as their caregivers, from low-to-moderate income households to resources and support services, empowering them to experience the fullness of life through personalized holistic workforce development plans, fundraising, community awareness, and education.

Vision: To create a world where no one ever feels forgotten or overlooked due to their disability.

2024 Scholarship Details: For 2024, the ACE Program Fund’s award ceiling is $5,000, with individual scholarships or grants of $1,000 each. We anticipate awarding approximately five (5) scholarships or grants, each in the amount of $1,000. Returning scholarship recipients may be eligible for renewal if they meet the renewal criteria. The total number of renewals will be determined by the Governance Board. Note: Scholarship funds will be awarded to the student upon evidence of registration in an accredited higher educational institution or trade school.

Eligibility Criteria (ACE Scholarship Program Applicants):

  • Applicants must have a disability covered under the ADA.

  • Applicants must come from a low-to-moderate income household.

  • Applicants must be a graduating high school senior, a returning college student, or have been accepted into a trade school in the year of the award.

  • Applicants must have at least a 3.0 grade point average (or a “B” average).

  • Applicants must demonstrate community involvement, improvement in academics, and a desire to attend college or trade school.

  • All applicants must complete at least 20 hours of community service. Community service hours must be documented in the form of a letter and may be obtained through The Soul of Santa “Do Good” Foundation.

  • Applicants may not be related to any Board of Directors or staff to avoid conflicts of interest.

  • Applicants must provide proof of acceptance into a college (community, undergraduate, or graduate) or trade school.

  • Applicants must be willing to attend a scholarship orientation with The Soul of Santa “Do Good” Foundation.

General Instructions:

  • DEADLINE: Scholarship applications must be submitted by October 25, 2024, 5:00 p.m. (no exceptions).

  • Refer to the application process below for a list of the supporting documents needed (e.g., reference forms, evidence of GPA, etc.). Incomplete applications will not be considered.

  • Type legibly. Illegible applications will not be considered.

  • You will be notified via email by November 29, 2024, regarding the status of your application.

  • Communication Commitment: Must respond to all communication from The Soul of Santa “Do Good” Foundation within 3-5 business days.

  • If you have any questions about the application, please email the Executive Director of The Soul of Santa “Do Good” Foundation at

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